Painless Hair Transplantation

Anyone who decides to go through a hair transplantation turkey is most curious about whether the procedure is painful or not. In the process of hair transplantation, local anesthesia is applied to the related area in order to avoid pain and ache.

There are two types of anesthesia in hair transplantation;

Needle-free local anesthesia

In local anesthesia without needles, local anesthetic active substance is given subcutaneously with special pressure devices. Since there is no needle intervention on the body, local anesthesia is applied without feeling any pain. This, in turn, leads to a comfortable transplantation process.-

Local anesthesia with sedation

If the pain threshold of the person who decides to have a hair transplantation is too low, local anesthesia with sedation is preferred. In the first place, the patient is given intravenous medication to help the body relax. Then, both anesthetic and needle-free local anesthesia tips are applied to a level where anesthesia can not be felt.

It is an application performed with the person’s own blood to strengthen, repair and renew the scalp. After a certain amount of blood is taken from the person, platelet-containing natural plasma fluid is obtained by special centrifugation and micro filtration method.  assisted hair transplantation method also provides positive results in hair transplantation process. The obtained plasma is injected into the roots after hair transplantation and the grafts are strengthened. It is also known that  contributes to the healing process after hair transplantation.

Häufig Gestellte Fragen

1-) How is the painless hair transplant technique applied?

Painless hair transplantation is used together with microsurgical techniques. Needle-free hair transplantation techniques can be used in FUE and its subgroup techniques. In this technique, local anesthesia is applied with a special tool that does not have a needle at the tip, and the hair transplant operation can be performed using a special tool called an implanter or, optionally, laser techniques. In this way, patients who have hair loss problems and want to have hair transplant, but are afraid of using this procedure due to fear of needles, can also have hair transplant.

2-) What is the recovery process like in the painless hair transplant technique?

In the painless hair transplant procedure, there is no hole in the scalp or no incision, so the process is painless and develops faster. While crusting is less, the shock shedding process takes place faster. In this process, the areas where hair is transplanted and removed should be protected from sunlight or extremely hot environments.

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