Hair is one of the factors that determine people’s appearance. Whether male or female; from short, bushy, straight hair to long and curly hair, many different hairstyles play a major role in people’s expression. Hair not only shapes physical features, but also influences people psychologically.
Just as we are positively influenced when our hair is good, bushy and healthy, we are also negatively influenced when it is lifeless, dull, sparse and thin. We start to dislike our appearance in the mirror and when we see our hair falling out, we look for remedies and try to get rid of these insecurities.
Although today we have reached a point where we have many hair care and solution options, not every hair care and solution suggestion is suitable for men and women of all ages. When it comes to hair, one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedures today is undoubtedly hair transplantation. Hair transplant procedures performed with many different techniques such as FUE, Sapphire FUE, DHI or in other words Choi technique, which are becoming more comfortable day by day, help many people to get their dream hair, whether they are men or women.
So, is hair transplantation suitable for everyone? Can everyone have a hair transplant procedure?
Although hair transplantation procedures are safe and comfortable, at the end of the day, no matter what technique is used, it is a very long surgical procedure. Therefore, many factors such as the person’s medical history, past illnesses, current health, and medications can affect a person’s hair transplant adventure. Today, when it comes to hair transplantation, perhaps one of the most curious subjects is whether diabetics can have hair transplantation. Before moving on to this topic, let’s give a brief overview of diabetes.
Diabetes is a disease that has 2 different types. Diabetes, which is divided into two as Type 1 and Type 2, affects people’s lives seriously and significantly. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, which are diseases that cause many changes in people’s lives, from daily physical activities to eating habits and even water consumption, are diseases that have lifelong treatments.
To briefly talk about type 1 diabetes; Although this type of diabetes is rarer than type 2, it is an immune disease that usually occurs in childhood. In type 1 diabetes, the body’s immune system fights with insulin cells, which balance the sugar, that is, glucose, rate in our body. Then, health problems that affect the quality of life of the person begin to show themselves.
Type 2 diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, often occurs after habits such as excessive sugar and carbohydrate diet, a life away from activity, due to the wrong lifestyle. Type 2 diabetes can be controlled with insulin injections, and if the person has an adequate and balanced diet and adopts an active life, the disease can be easily controlled before it progresses too far.
Now let’s come to the relationship between diabetes and hair transplantation…
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are diseases that require treatment in themselves. However, there are some side effects caused by these diseases. For example, one of the most commonly known issues is that body wounds heal more slowly in diabetics than in non-diabetics. In addition to slow wound healing, another common health problem is excessive blood clotting. It is known that especially Type 2 diabetes patients use blood thinners frequently and regularly in order to prevent a possible blockage due to this coagulation.
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure at the end of the day, no matter what technique is used, and it can take a long time depending on the width of the area to be transplanted. Therefore, the first factor that will affect diabetics is that they have to fast during the surgery, which may cause the sugar of diabetics to drop dangerously or if it is type 1. Another situation that should be taken into account is the incision and channel opening steps, especially in the operations performed with FUT and FUE techniques. Although there is a much more minimal incision compared to many surgical procedures, due to the delayed wound healing in diabetics, diabetics may recover and return to social life after hair transplantation later than other patients.
So, is it possible for diabetics to have hair transplantation despite these conditions?
We can definitely say it is possible.
How Does? Namely, first of all, your endocrine doctor, who follows your diabetes, has your hair transplant. He must be in contact with the team. However, after transferring the details of the hair transplant procedure to your endocrine doctor, you should request him to perform the necessary tests so that you do not encounter a possible health problem during the procedure.
It is very important at this stage to constantly measure your glucose level in your blood with blood tests. If your blood glucose level is not stable and there are serious fluctuations, your blood glucose level, in other words, your sugar, must be controlled before hair transplantation. However, as we mentioned above, although hair transplantation is a safe and comfortable procedure, at the end of the day, it is a surgical operation. Although the incisions to be made during the procedure are minimal, you should finally stop taking your blood thinners 10 days before the procedure. However, it is wrong to abandon blood thinners completely or to quit by one’s own decision. You should definitely take a break from your blood thinners, with the knowledge of your endocrine doctor who prescribed these drugs to you. Otherwise, blood thinners that are left uncontrolled can lead to greater health problems, because blood clotting is very common, especially in diabetics.
When the necessary tests are done, the details of the hair transplant procedure are explained to your endocrine doctor, and your blood glucose level is under control, you can have a hair transplant. However, as we mentioned above, hair transplantation procedures are often recommended for patients with Type 2 diabetes, and not for patients with Type 1 diabetes, as they require long fasting periods.
But remember, at the end of the day, no matter what type of diabetes you are struggling with, the final result of your eligibility for hair transplantation will be shown by your internal medicine doctor in the results of your examinations.
If you are struggling with diabetes but want lusher and more vibrant hair, you can make the necessary preparations for a hair transplant without compromising your health. With the right planning and a team of professionals who tailor their work to your health condition, you can get the luscious hair you dream of.
For detailed information and appointments about hair transplantation, you can contact us through our clinic’s social media accounts or contact numbers. You can visit us for a consultation examination by meeting with our experts about hair transplantation applications.