Is Everyone suitable for Hair Transplantation?

There are two methods known as Sapphire FUE hair transplantation and DHI Hair Transplantation (Unshaved transplantation technique), which are known as hair transplantation methods. People who want to have hair transplantation should either have hair loss in the area they want to transplant, or in case of thinning, the shedding should have stopped completely.

If there is a chronic illness for the individual who will undergo hair transplantation (diabetes, heart conditions, scalp disorders, etc.), the consent of the physician following the operation should also be obtained.

Is The Same Technique Used For Everyone?

A personalized method or technique should be determined and taken into operation according to the hair loss area and type of hair loss for everyone. For example; If hair thinning is observed and there is a planting plan without damaging the hair in the area to be densified, it is appropriate to prefer the method known as DHI Hair Transplantation. If the area to be transplanted is completely empty, the Sapphire Fue Hair Transplantation technique or the DHI Hair Transplantation Technique, which provides a more comfortable or faster return to social life, can also be preferred in this case.

If Hair Loss Continues, What Way Should Be Followed?

If the person’s hair loss continues, it is requested to postpone the hair transplantation operation until the hair loss stops or to benefit from the treatment methods that prevent hair loss. Hair loss is usually genetic. Therefore, we recommend hair transplant operation to individuals whose shedding has stopped completely before the age of 25.

People who do not have any health problems can plan the hair transplantation process in a fully-fledged hospital environment, after pre-examination by expert teams and if no problems are encountered as a result of the examination.

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