How does itching go away after hair transplantation?

How does itching go away after hair transplantation?

If itching is mild after hair transplantation and does not bother you, we definitely do not recommend you to do anything additional. If it bothers you a lot, and poses a risk to your hair, then we recommend intervening. You can apply some and all of the following to reduce and relieve itching. Here are some suggestions:

  • Stay away from sunlight as much as possible.
  • Wash your hair regularly.
  • Follow all the recommendations of your doctor.
  • Stay away from dirty, dusty, moist, and extremely hot environments. These are trigger factors.
  • Before washing your hair, apply a lotion named Bepanthol and wait approximately 30 minutes, then wash it. This lotion definitely prevents itching.
  • If itching is very extreme, itching medications are available. Buy it from a pharmacy, or have your doctor prescribe it. We do not name the drug, but there will be nothing you will need to use regularly.

Is itching normal after hair transplantation?

This is very normal during the healing process. This process will continue for three months, most people experience this situation. So don’t panic thinking that this is only you. You should definitely not scratch the recipient area as the first 20 days are essential for recovery. You can damage the transplanted hair if you scratch. You can gently scratch the donor area (the back of the head). If it is unbearable, it is possible to scratch the area where the hair is implanted very lightly and rub it in a very gently without using your nails. We warn again, do not scratch as much as possible. If you need, try the solution mentioned.

When does itching after hair transplantation stop?

The most intense itching occurs in the first 14 days. The reason itching is intense in this phase is that most of the recovery process happens these days. After 2 weeks, it gradually decreases. Itching will occur only occasionally after this period. Because the hair strands are slowly coming out. There is no intense itching within 14 days, it will only be mild and occasional.

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